Main duties
Public Procurement Agency is a central body, with a legal and public personality reporting to the Prime Minister, and financed by the State Budget.
Its activity is based on the Law No. 9643/2006 "On public procurement", as amended, Law No. 125/2013 "On concessions and public private partnership", as amended, and Law No. 9874/2008 "On public auction", as amended.
The duties and competencies of the Public Procurement Agency are mainly focused in the following:
- Preparation of project-proposals for public procurement regulations, public auctions and those in the field of concessions/public private partnerships, preparation of Standard Tender Documents and issuing the necessary instructions in order to assist the contracting authorities undertaking these procedures;
- Verification of the implementation of public procurement, concessions and public auction procedures after the phase of contract signature and in case of infringements of the legal and sublegal provisions, penalizes with fines or proposes administrative measures;
- Monitor the progress of the public procurement system, and the implementation of measures and activities in order to achieve and maintain a completely transparent and efficient system of concessions/public private partnerships;
- Preparation and publication of Public Notices Bulletin;
- Exclusion of economic operators from participation in public procurement, concessions or public auctions for a period of 1 to 3 years;
- Promotion and organization of trainings for central and local government officials, involved in public procurement activities.